How we work

Step Ahead is a not-for-profit organisation that helps those with mental illness. Our team, board, and funders are vital to our ability to help others.

Step Ahead’s

Vision Statement

Step Ahead’s

Mission Statement

Step Ahead contributes to the wellbeing of people with mental illness by providing choices, opportunities, support and encouragement to enable them to live well in their communities

To enhance the wellbeing of people who experience serious mental illness by providing community based services that support them in their own recovery.

The Step Ahead


Step Ahead seeks to promote and support the holistic wellbeing of people who experience mental health issues.

The aim is to work with members to empower and enable them to have the belief and ability to develop life skills so that they can achieve the best possible level of independence, resilience, confidence and quality of life.

Members can expect to receive the highest level of support while at Step Ahead. The services offered will be in line with current evidence-based mental health research.

At the heart of Step Ahead’s philosophy is a positive and inclusive attitude which incorporates kindness, understanding, acceptance and being non-judgemental towards member recovery.

Step Ahead supports the Whare Tapa Wha approach throughout recovery that includes engaging with community, whanau and other like-minded organisations.

A focus on successful living in the community:

  • independence and choice

  • wellness
  • ability rather than disability
  • personal empowerment and self-responsibility
  • non-judgemental and respectful attitudes

continues to be at the centre of Step Ahead’s approach today as much as it was when the organisation began in 1983.

A holistic approach

Whare Tapa Wha

Te Whare Tapa Wha is a wellness or holistic health model developed by Sir Mason Durie in 1984 that can be applied to any health issue, helping us identify where we need extra support. It describes health as a wharenui or meeting house with four walls representing four basic beliefs of life:

  • Te Taha Hinengaro (psychological health)
  • Te Taha Wairua (spiritual health)
  • Te Taha Tinana (physical health)
  • Te Taha Whanau (family health).
Te Whare Tapa Wha

Physical health is important too

The Equally Well philosophy

Step Ahead is one of a group of organisations and individuals that promote the Equally Well philosophy.

This group works towards achieving physical health for those dealing with mental health issues. Around the world, people with mental illness have worse physical health than the general population, which is why we promote physical health goals across our organisation.

We always encourage our members to get involved in sports and exercise activities, and our provided meals are always healthy. We also offer educational sessions on healthy eating and cooking so members can learn more about being healthier at home as well.

Equally Well